Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wacky, Crazy Holiday, Part II
After I made the descision to stay home, something miraculous happened. I started decorating my house, ideas were flowing into my head about how I wanted the house to look, and I just started going through decorations and placing them where I wanted them to go. Prior to making the descision not to go to my aunts, I was paralyzed from enjoying Christmas becuase I was on overload. I was stunted from decorating. There as a huge block, and I couldn't even think about decorating. But I freed the block! Wow..how liberating!! Sure I will be missing a really fun party, but I was comprimising so much to make it happen, and not to mention traveling with a toddler. Staying home means having a weekend off to prepare for Christmas day Brunch, which is another area that I was stressed about. Its my 1st year doing Christmas and I'm nervous as heck, and I mean nervous. I never wanted to host Christmas becuase I feel like its too important a holiday to screw up! ha. Now with the Albany Trip canceled, I can just focus on getting ready for Christmas day, and now I'm excited. I'm happy to be hosting this glorious feast day! I'm so elated that my family will be here, and they will expierience their 1st Christmas Day Brunch. Our family wanted to have us host a 4pm dinner like they've done for the passed 50 years, and well, I don't think that sounds very fun so I took back Christmas and said , "We'll do something fresh and fun, we'll do brunch!" I just think that it sounds so wonderful to eat French Toast Casserole, Scrambled Eggs, and drink fresh squeezed orange juice as everyone mingles around. Much better than a stuffy sit down dinner.
Merry Christmas Everyone. I have removed a block and the world looks alot brighter now. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Crazy, wacky, Holiday
Do I sound cynical. I'm not...actually my brain is just rewiring to bring back some of the beauty of the Holiday. I am still yearning for something deeper...and I've found a few things that I could incorporate in the years ahead thanks to my Holisitic Moms Group. One idea was to give Olivia 3 gifts, just as the wise men gave Jesus, and have them represent Mind, Body, & Spirit. I love that idea, and we could really put our hearts together to find some thoughtful high quality gifts that would carry her into the future. I have also searched for spiritually inspired books to give her, that would be age appropriate, and I've found a few that she'll be given this year, along with Mr. Potatoe Head and tub toys! ha!
Thanks for reading my rant. I love Christmas, and I'm just trying to establish what it means to me, and what I want to impart on Olivia.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Jolly old St. Nick
Peace and Joy!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Lunch Bunch
Lets Bake!

I decided to try a science expierment and see what baking with Olivia would be like. It was too rainy/cold to go outside after dinner, and she was really needing alittle excitement before ending the day. I had some pumpkin puree left over from another recipe, some banana's, and oatmeal, and I really really wanted to make oatmeal, pumpkin, banana cookies. The combo sounded great to me so I made up the recipe as we went alon

Friday, November 09, 2007
Renaming the Blog
Love Lisa
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Rainy Day Fun
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Happy Birthday Olivia!

Olivia is turning the big 2 on Sunday and we are just so excited for her birthday. I'm sitting here right now with my mind racing about all of the things that I need to do before her party on Sunday, but I just wanted to pause for a second and remember that the reason I'm doing all of this is to celebrate the beautiful person that Olivia is! She is so excited for her "Birday Patty" and can't wait for everyone to come over!
I also have to mention that today is the day that I went into labor, at 530am this morning 2 years ago, and my little peanut wasn't born until Sunday at 1:43! Today feels very slow to me and I keep thinking back to two years ago today when I was laboring. On most days I can't feel with all of my senses what it was like 2 years ago today, but today I remembered everything, even smells. The weather is exactly the same as it was 2 years ago, and several times little flashes just came to me out of nowhere about things that I had forgotten. I celebrated my journey by acknowledging those little thoughts that came to me. I allowed myself to feel through all of the things that I felt two years ago today. Thank you Circle of Stones!
So on Sunday when I wake up I will thank God once again for my daughter. She is a true beauty inside and out. Olivia has a presence about her, and many times just being around her reminds me of miracles. Since her birth, I have seen children in an almost sacred light, and I feel like they are closer to God than any of us adults, and I cherish their presence. It make me a better person to be around them.
Some new milestones for Olivia are her language. She told someone today "I dont wear diapers anymore." Ok she still wears them, and we're working on potty training, but the sentence was significant because the woman had just come out of the bathroom. Olivia wanted that woman to know that she also goes potty on a grown up potty. She will often say "Actually I would like some grapes" She is using "actually" alot now and its very cute! Today at the Farm Market she said "The Spiders made me nervous and a little scared." She knows her Abc's, colors, counting, and thinks that every political sign on our street is " A sign to my birday patty." She loves reading books and playing with play dough. She loves to "Snuggle a little bit." She loves seeing animals at every chance she gets. Today we went to one Pumpkin Patch, and there were no animals there. There was rides, corn mazes, toddler activities, etc but no animals. She kept saying "Mama I go see cows now. I pet cows because they are cutie pies." Because it was a special family outing we then left Wickham Farm and headed to Powers where they have several animals. Livy visited all of the animals several times and told the baby Deer "You are cutie pie sweeties baby dear, and I love you." She tells that to all of the animals, and if people are being loud around them she will sometimes tell people "The cutie pies are relaxin." And somehow I am pretty sure that shes implying that the animals need some peace! I also can't ever forget "Somebody took my ice cream cone." You all might not know what that means, and its too much to blog now, but this is Olivia's signature sentence. I need to remember it so its in the blog. Thank God for the blog!
Ok...I'm off to bed! Thanks for reading. Happy Birthday to my sweetie pie, cutie pie Olivia!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Yuppies and my dad
My dad is a very funny guy. He has his moments where he is the most charismatic, likeable, funny guy, and then he has his quirky times. He is always amused by the twentysomething generation that work for him. He is training about 15-20 young managers, all under the age of 30, and he loves to call me and tell me these funny stories about "the yuppies." He calls almost anyone under 30 "yuppies." He is an amazing story teller and can imitate people to perfection, so growing up he was usually on center stage during dinner. Many times he would often rise from the table to tell a story and walk around the kitchen acting it out. Yes, he's a bit different, but he certainly made life very interesting. I still miss Sunday afternoons, watching football with him. Every Sunday he would carry 3-4 tv's in the living room, stack them on top of each other, and watch 4-5 games all at once. In addition to watching the game he would then have the bills game going on the radio, becuase he loved the bills radio broadcaster. He would clear the coffee table, fill it with munchies, and scream animated things at the television sets as he cheered his teams on. After all the tv's were set, and the snacks were out, he would look at my mom, sister, and myself, and proclaim, "this is freakin great." He would use those exact words, every Sunday.
So now that you have alittle backround, I just had to blog this story. Mostly for Jenn and my sister, and other blog reading family who know him well. They will especially appreciate this. I recently sent out evites inviting family members over for a small 2nd birthday celebration for Olivia. The next day my dad calls me and says "Whats the matter, yuppies don't know how to use a pencil and write invitations anymore!" First of all I would never use a pencil, but thats another dadism. He also calls backpacks "satchels!" Anyway, he then proceeded to tell me that pretty soon all of the yuppies in America will find a way to celebrate the "Virtual Birthday!" "The yuppies will just sign on their blackberry's into a virtual birthday chatroom, eat virtual cake, and open virtual e-gifts. You freakin yuppies will invent a way to live virtually. Everything will be virtual, even kids birthdays. You yuppies need to put down your blackberrys and stop text messaging and start reading textbooks again." He also loves textbooks and owns large quantities of them. He never does anything without looking in a book. Hilarous. So I told him that I was saving a tree by sending evites, and that I can easily track the rsvp's, to which he replied; "Thats another thing about yuppies. They like to control everything. Your mother and I had people over for cake and then they went home. Yuppies have to have a theme, special cake, special food, becuase yuppies think they're special. You and David are yuppies. Yuppies like email and text messaging. " For the record, I've never sent a text message in my life, but my dad thinks that if you email then you're a yuppy for sure for sure. Ok...guess my grandma Nan is a yuppy becuase she loves email! ha. And he loves to call Dave and I yuppies, except I really don't think that we're yuppies. What even is a yuppie? I assume its a young couple who live in a sweet house, and have lots of great matieral things, including nice cars. So we drive a 1989 volvo, and a 2004 Hyundai. Rock on if we're yuppies, but I don't think that we're in that category! ha!
Ok...long story short. He thinks everyone is a yuppy.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I am a giggle bug

Olivia loves to giggle, hard, and start what I call "Free for all giggle fests!" They start over nothing....I will trip, sneeze, cough, whatever, and she will use it as an excuse to begin the "giggle fest!" This means that I keep doing the gesture that I just accidentally happened upon, over and over, while she laughs beyond measure, and next thing we know its a Free for all giggle fest and we're all laughing. As the parent of any toddler knows, these giggle fests can last for awhile, and will usually be what we all need to end the day right! Arent' toddlers cool?

I received this information about cravings from an acquaintance of mine today, and I loved it so much that I thought it was blogworthy. I enjoyed how she wrote that a craving could actually be a repressed emotion, and to take time and cultivate a loving relationship with your body. Read on.....
Deconstructing Cravings
The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It is always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you put in it, and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream or a hamburger or chocolate? Are cravings due to lack of will-power or discipline? I’d like to suggest that cravings are not a problem. They are critical pieces of information that tell you what your body needs.
The important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Perhaps your diet is too restrictive or devoid of essential nutrients. Perhaps you are living a lifestyle that is too boring or stressful. Your body tries to correct the imbalance by sending you a message: a craving. A craving for something sweet could mean you need more protein, more exercise, more water, or more love in your life. The key to stopping the sugar craving is to understand and deliver what your body really needs.
Your body knows best and is always trying to create balance. However, products like refined foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drugs (which have little or no nutritional value) are confusing to the body. They throw the body off-balance and can create serious cravings as your body tries to get what it needs to restore internal harmony. The more your food is whole and healthy, the easier it is for your body to stay in balance and provide you with a happier, healthier life.
No book or theory can tell you what to eat. Only awareness of your body and its needs can tell you. Of all the relationships in our life, the one with our body is the most essential. It takes communication, love, and time to cultivate a relationship with your body. As you learn to decipher and respond to your body’s cravings, you will create a deep and lasting level of health and balance.
The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness. Try these tips to respond to your body:
· Have a glass of water and wait ten minutes.
· Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit and sweet or root vegetables.
· What is out of balance in your life? Is there something you need to express, or is something being repressed? What happened in your life just before you had this craving?
· When you eat the food you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, savor it; notice its effect. Then you will become more aware and free to decide if you really want it next time.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Eat, Pray, Love

The last thing I ever want to become is the Poster Child for “Everyone Must Leave Their Husband And Move To India In Order To Find God.” My path is hardly a universal prescription. It was my path – that is all it ever was. I drew up my journey as a personal prescription for solving my life. Transformative journeys come in many forms, though, and often happen without people ever leaving home. Divinity is available everywhere, at all times. People find their way to God during wars, in the middle of traffic jams and in small prison cells. (Though I would submit it's easier for a prisoner to find time to meditate in a jail cell than it is for many of my working-mom friends with young children to create time for contemplation.) The first question you can begin to ask yourself, though, is: “Where can I find a small corner of stillness?” Because that’s where it all begins and ends. God resides in these pockets of silence. So where in your day, where in your home, where in your mind, is there some opportunity for a moment of silence? Or maybe even a few moments, during which you can start asking the questions you need to ask in order to find what you need to learn. Can you find the time to get out of your own way and try to step into your own light? As a dear friend of mine put it: “To change your life, the important thing is not necessarily to travel; the important thing is to SHIFT.”Sunday, August 12, 2007
Surprise! Happy Birthday Grandma Nan!

My Grandma Nan turned 70 last weekend! I've been meaning to post a few pictures but our computer was broken, but is now fixed! Thanks to Dave!! Anyway we threw a surprise 70th for my Grandma and it was a blast! My grandma looks amazing for 70, and said that the party was one of the best days of her life. She felt trully honored as a woman, mother, wife, grandmother, and great grandmother!
Notice the picure of Olivia and my uncle Doug...yea Olivia wasn't down with being teased by him, but he means well.
As a sidenote, thanks to my bff for the photo jackets...remember my 30th Jenn? We re-used what you made at the party! My grandma loved it!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Dental Hygiene
My dental crusade has been going on because I had 3 cavities filled by my dentist a few months ago, and they were filled using those new "white fillings." Those are pretty bad for a womens hormones, and they're basically filled with chemicals. I wouldn't mind that so much, and might have forgotten about it IF I haven't been having this horrible plastic taste in my mouth whenever I eat hot foods since the fillings were put in. This must be happening becuase the fillings are interacting with the hot food, and then some chemical is getting emitted all over my mouth. The dentist said that this has never happened to anyone else before, and she promised to give me an ingredient list of the fillings, but she hasnt' yet. It happens on the same side of my mouth that the fillings were placed on, so what else can it be??
So to make a long story short, my dentist also mentioned that I have two cavities that "shes keeping an eye on" and I wondered if there is anything that I can do to encourage my body to heal those cavities without drilling my poor teeth and pooring in awful chemical cavities. I spoke to a good friend from Holsitic Moms, and now we're all buzzing about healing our cavities. So Dr. Ellie says that "yes" we can heal and prevent cavities by a simple regime, which she gives you on her website, all of which can be purchased at the drugstore, except for her Zellie's products which are at Lori's Natural Foods. I'm excited to give this a try! I will keep my blog posted about my progress. I'll also post Dr. Ellie's Regime below!
For Clean, White Teeth
Pre Rinse with ClosysTM and brush your teeth with a clean toothbrush
Freshen your breath with Listerine®
Protect your teeth with a final rinse of Act®
And - Eat Zellies with 100% Xylitol After Meals, Any Time, EverydayDownload and print information about the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System (pdf)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The sprinkler invention

This week sure has been a hot one! Livy and I have been trying to keep cool and have some fun while doing it. Yesterday, she invented the "Hose Sprinkler!" After attempting to water the flowers, Livy laid down the hose and walked away. To her amazement a new invention came to life! The hose became a sprinkler! She couldn't believe it and just shreeked with joy. She then spent the next 90 minutes running up our water bill, but she was really enjoying the water! Yes, these are those moments, in the middle of the day, that are so worth remembering!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The puddle jumper

My neighbor has a puddle that Olivia loves. The puddle rarely dries up on their driveway, and she takes full advantage of jumping around in it. Today I caved and let her take her sandals off! As she was splashing around she said "Mommy splish-splash too." "No Olivia, mommy's fine right where she is!" Ha!

Visiting Grandma Z

My grandma lives in an assisted living community, and Olivia loves to visit her. We try and go at least once a week because both Grandma and Olivia enjoy the visit so much. When we first arrive, Olivia makes a stop at the "Golfing Polar Bear" and hangs out there for awhile. Once inside, she loves to ride the elevator upstairs to Grandma's Z's apt. Then we're off and running to visit the Chapel, the fish tank, the bird cages, the statues of saints, and the garden. Olivia leads the way announcing each item on her list of "places to visit." Sometimes when shes tired she catches a ride on Grandma's walker! Its a riot.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
"Oh my gosh she knows her age!"
Me "What?? Her age? No I don't think that she knows her age."
The worker "Yes she really does know, and she told us that shes 18 months!"
Me: "She did? Shes never told me that before. What else did she tell you??"
The workers " Oh that she has a mom, dad, Grandma, and a dog named Coco, and a friend named Hannah Jane."
Me" Wow. Ok. Livy how old are you??"
Livy " I'm 18 months mommy, how are you????"
Ok, well Livy isn't 18 months, shes 20 months, but that is still too funny that she even answered them with something remotely close to her age.
I'm really loving this learning to talk in sentences and say real things stage. It cracks me up!
Dinnertime Chit Chat
Me" What else do you want there"
Mom: "Cookies...ok...what about something else to eat"
Livy has never even had chocolate, so this really cracked me up!
Me: "Chocolate ok, but what should we serve for dinner?"
Livy "Peeeezzzzaaa!"
I also asked who should we invite, and here was her list
Geempa Mark
Ya Ya
Auntie E and Keith
Aunt Niki
And there you have it. She also wants Clowns and Ladybugs there, plus animals such as Squirrels, doggies, and bunnies. She told me that she wants stamps, stickers, and markers there. Dave told her that she could invite 4 friends, but so far she really only wants 2 friends since she loves Hannah and Baby Avery the most. Livy knows her priorities, and I am saving this little conversation in my head forever. Too sweet!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Optimists Creed

I love this, and perhaps I can learn to follow it more! It is called The Optimists Creed by C.D. Larson.
Promise Yourself:
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have not time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I just read a very short, but moving article about nature and children. The article said that bringing kids right into the woods changes their rhythms and regulates their systems making them more peaceful and connected to their Source. I'm sure that the benefits are the same for adults too. Our Source being the place inside of all of us that is still connected to our Source, or our higher power. We all have our intuition, which I believe is the part of us that is deeply connected to Source energy, or God's energy. I call it Source energy because I have learned how to talk with clients so as not to put them off about faith or religion. Source seems safe.
A Christian group launched the study by immersing kids in the woods for 20 minutes a day, 7 days a week, for one year. Parents had to agree to doing this, and then the children were monitored by all these wonderful ways that researchers monitor kids. The study found that after the year of daily immersion these kids were able to channel quiet places within themselves. They were more serene and joyful than when the study first began. I should also mention that these were urban kids who had limited exposure to nature to begin with.
It has come to my attention over the course of my short life that nature brings calmness and joy to people's lives, even when they claim not to enjoy the woods, nature, etc. I took my grandmother and Olivia to Powder Mills Park a few weeks ago, and since walking is getting difficult for my grandma I just picked a spot accessible by car and parked us all right there by a nice babbling brook. Livy was happy to be right in her element of wildlife, and my grandma completely relaxed and didn't want to leave. She doesn't' even like animals, and will claim to dislike the woods, but even she couldn't resist the perfect stillness that was offered to us that day. She sat in her chair and began talking about the most profound things, and she was talking as if she was directly connected to God. Livy was just joyfully crouching and pointing to bugs, fish, birds, and squirrels. I didn't even say a word, but I observed the dance of two people who were totally at peace and filled with Joy. Nature does that to us, and I think that most of us are guilty of less than frequent fill-ups of nature. I sense that we can fill-up by sitting in our own backyard, and creating a peaceful places for ourselves where we feel completely at ease, and open to listening to communication from our Source.
This morning I took Olivia into our backyard where we fed the squirrels, and watched the birds, bugs, and anything else that crossed our path. It felt like we were connecting to nature and we didn't have to go far, but I remained quiet unless I was pointing something out to her. I remained watchful of what was around us, and she too was looking everywhere for the next animal that might cross our path. Then it started to rain and we stayed outside under our tree for awhile, staying dry, and I would only talk to explain something to her. She learned about rain watering the grass, and she reminded me that rain also "gives fisheees drinks." I would tell her what rain does, and she would come to her own conclusions about other things that it does. They were simple, but she was inspired by the stillness, the thunder, and being connected to life and vitality. Then we came inside and turned on the t.v. so I could make her lunch. I was making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for us, so I needed alittle space in the kitchen. I let her watch Barney and wondered if our whole nature experience wasn't all washed away by Barney. The minute that I even turned the TV on I felt both of us shift. I then had a radical thought of giving away our television sets. I've been having these thoughts lately, and they aren't coming from me. Something inside of me is urging me to give away our TV"s, and see what happens. I doubt that I'll ever do it, but I just pray that I find more ways to bring nature to my family. :)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
More Apollo

Can these two just get married already? I think that they are awesome and make a beautiful couple. Why aren't they dating? Am I too involved in this show? I think so, but who cares becuase it makes me happy! This is an exerpt from Apolo's blog, which happens to be named OHNOZONE, and notice that he also uses the word zone in his blog, just like mine. Hmmm....perhaps my blog inspired his! j/k
Apolo writes:
I would like to thank everyone who has been in support and watching the season 4 Dancing with the Stars. I am positive that without your love and votes, the result would not have been the same. It has been an incredible experience and almost a transformation from the start of the show until the finale. Every week I was becoming more comfortable opening up my real personality to the world as never before - and almost thrown into a situation which required me to show my work ethic, dedication, and will to do my best! All of my fans, friends, and supporters share these moments in time with me and I am so excited to have everyone on board!!!
This is yet another chapter in my life that will hopefully lead to many others and I wish you all to be with me! Thank you for keeping me grounded, positive, and staying true to myself. Here's to the next challenge!
Apolo Anton Ohno
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Apolo Anton Ohno!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mothers Day!
My camera is broken so I'm a bit beside myself that I couldn't take pictures, which also means that no pics will be posted here. I should have bought a disposable but forgot all about it. I had a very nice second mothers day. The weather was perfect and the sun shined all day! This morning Dave cooked a really nice breakfast for my mom, me, and Liv-Liv. He made blintz's, pancakes, fruit salad, and eggs. It was so sweet. He took over the whole kitchen and really made a beautiful meal. My mom and I were so touched over it, and I think that Dave knew how much we all appreciated his hard work. Then we headed off to the Genesee Country Museum for a very interesting day. I've never been there, and today they were having a special celebration of women. I was so eager to hear Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton speak, or at least the characters who played them. I felt like they were really there, sharing their stories, and to think that they never got to live to see all of their hardwork pay off! They never got to see women have the right to vote! They talked about that, and how hard it was to realize that it wouldn't happen in their lifetimes. I love those two women. Susan B. was single all of her life and traveled the country speaking out on the injustices done to women. Elizabeth Cady was her closest confidante, and actually wrote many of Susan's speeches, but due to being a mother of 9 children she could rarely travel. I love knowing the story of women's suffrage, and staying connected to the history behind it becuase thousands of women worked tirelessly so we could have the rights that we do today. I've been reading a wonderful book called "Failure is Impossible" and its all about Susan B's life, so today was a real treat to take part in the fun day at the GCM.
It was a great Mothers day and I hope that all of my friends and family also enjoyed their day!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
The No Child Left Behind what????
Well, the past 2 days have been very tough.. Yesterday, fights all day
and a
cop gets jumped in our school, then after school one of my students -
steven- gets murdered over a chain..
Today we had threats of retaliation, and went into lockdown, and were
dismissed at 1:45...
what has this world come to?
Tell me something positive that is going on, so I can get my mind off
Garbage Land

I am on a reading frenzy again. I started the week reading "Baby Love" by Rebecca Walker. I wasn't terribly thrilled with it, but it was a nice even read. I finished it in 24 hours, and I still don't know how that happened. I'm just craving books again and it feels good. Now I'm starting on "Garbage Land....on the secret trail of trash" by Elizabeth Royte. The book is fascinating and takes the reader on a journey following all of the things that we dispose of. I'm intrigued and can't put it down. I wonder at least 3 times a day what happens to our trash. Where does it go? When I stumbled upon this book I purchased it right away. I have wondered about our trash and what happens to it everytime I eat something that I didn't prepare, buy a cup of coffee, or open something surrounded in plastic. I wonder how big of a footprint are we leaving on this poor planet when 90% of the stuff that I throw away won't biodegrade for 2000 years? What sort of world are we preparing for our kids to inherit? This book gives the reader the complete inside scoup the journey of our trash, starting from the minute that we throw it out. The book is the authors travelogue as she journeyed around the country in search of answers, and following our trash. Very cool.
Would love to hear what everyone else is reading? :)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Outer Banks Vacation

We survived a 14 hour roadtrip with an 18 month old! Yipppeee! We spent a beautiful, but chilly week in the Outer Banks. The ocean was just steps from the house that we rented, and we enjoyed it as much as we could despite the weather. We arrived in the OBX last Saturday to a severe tropical storm, and on Sunday it was thought that we might have to be evacuated, but thankfully we just stuck it out and things got better on Monday. Although things got better, the weather was definetly the bummer of the trip. However we made the best of it, and still enjoyed lots of family time. One of the most amazing things for me was seeing Dolphins right off our deck jumping and frolicking in the ocean! Livy loved watching them jump in the air, and she would yell "Dolpheeen!"Here are a few pictures from the trip.