My dad is a very funny guy. He has his moments where he is the most charismatic, likeable, funny guy, and then he has his quirky times. He is always amused by the twentysomething generation that work for him. He is training about 15-20 young managers, all under the age of 30, and he loves to call me and tell me these funny stories about "the yuppies." He calls almost anyone under 30 "yuppies." He is an amazing story teller and can imitate people to perfection, so growing up he was usually on center stage during dinner. Many times he would often rise from the table to tell a story and walk around the kitchen acting it out. Yes, he's a bit different, but he certainly made life very interesting. I still miss Sunday afternoons, watching football with him. Every Sunday he would carry 3-4 tv's in the living room, stack them on top of each other, and watch 4-5 games all at once. In addition to watching the game he would then have the bills game going on the radio, becuase he loved the bills radio broadcaster. He would clear the coffee table, fill it with munchies, and scream animated things at the television sets as he cheered his teams on. After all the tv's were set, and the snacks were out, he would look at my mom, sister, and myself, and proclaim, "this is freakin great." He would use those exact words, every Sunday.
So now that you have alittle backround, I just had to blog this story. Mostly for Jenn and my sister, and other blog reading family who know him well. They will especially appreciate this. I recently sent out evites inviting family members over for a small 2nd birthday celebration for Olivia. The next day my dad calls me and says "Whats the matter, yuppies don't know how to use a pencil and write invitations anymore!" First of all I would never use a pencil, but thats another dadism. He also calls backpacks "satchels!" Anyway, he then proceeded to tell me that pretty soon all of the yuppies in America will find a way to celebrate the "Virtual Birthday!" "The yuppies will just sign on their blackberry's into a virtual birthday chatroom, eat virtual cake, and open virtual e-gifts. You freakin yuppies will invent a way to live virtually. Everything will be virtual, even kids birthdays. You yuppies need to put down your blackberrys and stop text messaging and start reading textbooks again." He also loves textbooks and owns large quantities of them. He never does anything without looking in a book. Hilarous. So I told him that I was saving a tree by sending evites, and that I can easily track the rsvp's, to which he replied; "Thats another thing about yuppies. They like to control everything. Your mother and I had people over for cake and then they went home. Yuppies have to have a theme, special cake, special food, becuase yuppies think they're special. You and David are yuppies. Yuppies like email and text messaging. " For the record, I've never sent a text message in my life, but my dad thinks that if you email then you're a yuppy for sure for sure. Ok...guess my grandma Nan is a yuppy becuase she loves email! ha. And he loves to call Dave and I yuppies, except I really don't think that we're yuppies. What even is a yuppie? I assume its a young couple who live in a sweet house, and have lots of great matieral things, including nice cars. So we drive a 1989 volvo, and a 2004 Hyundai. Rock on if we're yuppies, but I don't think that we're in that category! ha!
Ok...long story short. He thinks everyone is a yuppy.