Olivia is turning the big 2 on Sunday and we are just so excited for her birthday. I'm sitting here right now with my mind racing about all of the things that I need to do before her party on Sunday, but I just wanted to pause for a second and remember that the reason I'm doing all of this is to celebrate the beautiful person that Olivia is! She is so excited for her "Birday Patty" and can't wait for everyone to come over!
I also have to mention that today is the day that I went into labor, at 530am this morning 2 years ago, and my little peanut wasn't born until Sunday at 1:43! Today feels very slow to me and I keep thinking back to two years ago today when I was laboring. On most days I can't feel with all of my senses what it was like 2 years ago today, but today I remembered everything, even smells. The weather is exactly the same as it was 2 years ago, and several times little flashes just came to me out of nowhere about things that I had forgotten. I celebrated my journey by acknowledging those little thoughts that came to me. I allowed myself to feel through all of the things that I felt two years ago today. Thank you Circle of Stones!
So on Sunday when I wake up I will thank God once again for my daughter. She is a true beauty inside and out. Olivia has a presence about her, and many times just being around her reminds me of miracles. Since her birth, I have seen children in an almost sacred light, and I feel like they are closer to God than any of us adults, and I cherish their presence. It make me a better person to be around them.
Some new milestones for Olivia are her language. She told someone today "I dont wear diapers anymore." Ok she still wears them, and we're working on potty training, but the sentence was significant because the woman had just come out of the bathroom. Olivia wanted that woman to know that she also goes potty on a grown up potty. She will often say "Actually I would like some grapes" She is using "actually" alot now and its very cute! Today at the Farm Market she said "The Spiders made me nervous and a little scared." She knows her Abc's, colors, counting, and thinks that every political sign on our street is " A sign to my birday patty." She loves reading books and playing with play dough. She loves to "Snuggle a little bit." She loves seeing animals at every chance she gets. Today we went to one Pumpkin Patch, and there were no animals there. There was rides, corn mazes, toddler activities, etc but no animals. She kept saying "Mama I go see cows now. I pet cows because they are cutie pies." Because it was a special family outing we then left Wickham Farm and headed to Powers where they have several animals. Livy visited all of the animals several times and told the baby Deer "You are cutie pie sweeties baby dear, and I love you." She tells that to all of the animals, and if people are being loud around them she will sometimes tell people "The cutie pies are relaxin." And somehow I am pretty sure that shes implying that the animals need some peace! I also can't ever forget "Somebody took my ice cream cone." You all might not know what that means, and its too much to blog now, but this is Olivia's signature sentence. I need to remember it so its in the blog. Thank God for the blog!
Ok...I'm off to bed! Thanks for reading. Happy Birthday to my sweetie pie, cutie pie Olivia!