Olivia has started saying more than one word at a time now...well I call them words but sometimes they're just sounds. Her latest combo is " A Gaa." That started yesterday. I swear she wakes up and its all different...all of the sudden shes doing something completely wonderful and different from yesterday. Today we went to the "ooey gooey" playgroup, and many of the Holistic Moms were there. They're all such wonderful and nice women, very comfortable to be around. Olivia was in her sling just watching all the action because she was still a bit young for many of the activities. I think it was more fun for me to be there talking to the moms. The need to be around other moms is intrinsic, and its a need that I have to meet. While grocery shopping a few days ago, I ran into a mom from the "Babies Love Babies" group that I attend. We briefly stopped to chat, and we both wanted to talk about so many things together becuase we have children the same age, but her daughter started crying, and we both looked at each other and I could feel that we both knew it was time to move on. Right now our lives aren't our own, and we're at the beautiful and amazing call of our prescious children. It can feel stiffling at times, like when you want to just have a chat with another mom in Wegmans and you can't because your child needs something from you. You're always trying to be one step ahead of their needs so you can get your shopping done, and so they'll remain peaceful and comfortable. I realize that this journey of raising my children is going to go faster than the speed of light. While right now I'm wishing for 15 minutes to read "People" magazine or have some time to myself, someday I'll have lots of time to myself. Olivia will be grown, and I'll be toodling around thinking about how I wish I could have that time back when she was just a babe. Isn't that scary? To me it is. Right now I'm living the very memories I'll be longing for when I'm old.When I was working with the Elderly I learned that the time with our family is what we reminsicne about most, and they would always say that they would give anything to have it all back. Even now I just wish I could hold Olivia when she was first born. I want to hold her and just really look at her in pure amazement. That was only 7 months ago and already I want that time back again.

Another Olivia note...she tried Avocado today. Missy was here to witness the interesting gags and looks of uncertainty that I was receiving. Then she gave me the wonderful idea of just adding some water, and it worked. It helped thin out the thickness a bit. Missy has been here to witness many of Olivia's accomplishments. She rallied almost daily for her to roll over, and Missy would literally get on the floor and demonstrate over and over how to roll, and she waited so patiently for Olivia to do it. Finally one day she got her sweet rewards, and Olivia rolled for Missy, and then she never stopped rolling, and rolling and rolling. :) Olivia and Missy are definetly buddies. Heres a pic.
As a sidenote, Missy and her husband, Mr. Wayne, have just adopted a 12 year old boy in their community who needed a familiy to call his own. He's an amazing young man, and they are amazing people, who live their life according to God's will and plan for them. Missy you're going to make a wonderful mom to Jordan, and we wish you all the love and support that God has in store for you. Jordan is very blessed to have you as parents, and you're even more blessed to have him as your son. Happy Mommyhood Missy!