Friday, September 29, 2006
Another nite at Loews
The coolest part of the evening happened as we were driving home. Olivia saw the moon for the first time, and pointed to it, then looked at me as if to ask what it was. After telling her that it was indeed a Moon, she proceeded to say the word Moon all the way home. Its so amazing to show a child things for the very first time.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Happy Anniversary to us!!

Today was Dave and my 4th anniversary. How special it was to celebrate with my hubby today. We went to dinner at our favorite restaurant "Veneto." As usual the food was perfect, and we reminisced alittle about our wedding, and talked ALOT about Olivia. After dinner we headed to loews to buy a tub kit, ceramic tile, and lots of other odds and ends for our bathroom remodeling. While I was walking aimlessly through the tile aisle, another mom and I got to talking. She complimented me on my shoes (go Rachel!!) and then I told her the reason I was sort of dressed up was becuase we were out to dinner celebrating our anniversary, and since it was just the two of us we figured we better get to loews and take all the time we need to finish picking our bathroom stuff out. We shared a few laughs about how much life changes after you have kids, and how we wouldn't trade it for the world. I told the mom how we spent our first anniversary in a very lavish 5 star B&B, spending way too much money to stay there two nites. We toured the wineries, went to the grape fest, and enjoyed our view of the lake from our balcony. I instinctly knew that we had to celebrate in style for our first one, and I have always treasured the memories of that weekend. We had the time of our was like a second honeymoon. I feel like milestones should be special. So next year will be our 5th anniversary, and I don't plan on ending the nite with a celebration at Loews! haha We'll have to do something very nice....I better start saving up!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Breast Cancer Awareness

October is NationalBreast Cancer Awareness Month. My Aunt Nancy and grandma Z are breast cancer survivors. My grandma Z also fought a courageous battle with Ovarian Cancer. To kick off supporting the cause I attended the Highland Hospital Breast Cancer Education Luncheon today, and the keynote speaker was Meredith Baxter. She spoke about many important innovations in breast cancer research, and had a wonderful story to share with the audience, as she herself is a survivor.
This weekend Dave, Olivia, and I will continue to support the cause by doing the Breast Cancer Walk. We've raised some funds in support of this disease, which kills one woman every 13 minutes. 1 in 4 women will be diagnosed throughout their lifetime. Last year on October 1st, we lost Daves Aunt Francis to Breast Cancer. She fought a 3 year battle. During her fight she surrounded herself with the cause, and wouldn't leave the house without wearing pink. I find it fitting that she died on October 1st, which is the offical Breast Cancer awareness day. Even more fitting is that this year the Breast Cancer Walk is on October 1st, the 1 year anniversary of her death. We'll celebrate her life by walking for the cause. The cause to find a cure, and wait for the day when women can have hope, instead of fear when they hear the words "Breast Cancer."
If you want more information on early detection, check out Thermography Breast screening.
Your insurance won't cover it, but for a mere $300 you can find out if you have any cancer in your breasts, and start treatment before its too late. I have seen patients at my job who have paid for this screen, and are now being saved because they were 20 years ahead of what a mammogram could have detected. I also have a personal friend who just had the screening done, and thankfully she is cancer free. Its currently done out of Syracuse NY, but they're having a clinic in Rochester this december. I'm saving my pennies. Stay tuned for the time, date, and place of the Rochester screening.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I'm an Auntie!

So I finally have a picture to prove that I'm an auntie! Am I not the proudest Auntie that you have ever seen? I adore Miss Avery Grace, she is the sweetest, most prescious little peanut, and I could have held her forever! I just cherished the time that I got to hold her, which, as you can tell from the picture, Miss Olivia didn't let me hold her for too long. She was tearing apart Auntie E's house, getting in her cupboards, attempting to tip the dog bowls,

love Auntie Lisa
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Olivia's new chair

Happy Wedding Allison!!

My dear friend little K got married this weekend, and I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid. I was even luckier to witness this most joyous event. My friend Sharon performed the ceremony, outside, with nature and with God, on the most beautiful day that we've had in awhile. The best man summed everything up simply by stating, "Love is here" and he pointed to Tim and Allison. Love was definetly there, and I left with a renewed sense of love, life, and happiness. The wedding was so authentically "Tim and Allison" that it was a lesson to me that when we know thyself, we are most happy, and we are being true to ourselves. Tim and Allison fought hard to have the simple elegant wedding that they yearned for, and it couldn't have been more amazing.
Oh and the food was hands down the best wedding food that I have ever had. They had brunch and dinner....omelet stations, pasta station, eggplant parm, and plenty for the meatlovers. The food was outstanding.
Happy Marriage guys, you make the most adorable duo!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Healthy Food
Dynamic Foods -- Healthy Families
I've been thinking a lot these days about how we fuel our bodies. My friend, singer/songwriter Megon McDonough wrote lyrics that go something like this: The body is a car driving the soul around. Better take care so the car don't get run down.
As we head into fall, think of this time as a new semester of life. We have a fresh new slate and can fill up our days with health, energy, vitality, and joy. We can fuel our children's bodies so that their spirits are free to soar. Think of your kitchen as the altar of your home, where you, with grace and patience, concoct healing foods and soothing words.
Begin by going through your pantry as my husband Tom and I did this weekend. Throw out all those opened boxes of crackers that have been sitting there far too long. Toss out the cookies that you really don't want to continue digging into. Make room for the healthy stuff. Designate a shelf, perhaps, as snack space so your kids can help themselves.
I recently read a study that indicated the power of phytochemicals, chemicals in fruits and vegetables that when eaten in combination have greater health benefits. For instance avocados, full of good fatty acid, helps your body absorb more antioxidants from spinach, carrots, peppers, and tomatoes. I love the look of a few avocados in a glass bowl as a simple centerpiece. Add one to your salad and know you are getting the benefits of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein.
Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower when mixed with selenium rich foods such as chicken, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, eggs boost the cancer combating powers of each. Make up a stir fry with broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, mushrooms and sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. You might even add some brown rice and quickly scramble an egg with the veggies so it's a bit like Chinese fried rice. What a power packed dinner your kids can have fun eating with chop sticks.
Powerful foods, healthy families.
Stay well in body, mind, and spirit!
She said DADA
Also tonite Olivia started saying Strawberry, Banana, and Cantelope. We were eating at Aladdins and we ordered a fruit plate for her. I told her the names of these like I always do and she immediately repeated, "Berrrry" "NANA" and "Ope!" It was very cute.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Another big Olivia milestone is that she now gives hugs. The only problem with her hugs are that she gives them really fast so she can clap for herself becuase after she gave me her first hug I made the mistake of clapping. So she likes the clapping part more than the hugging part, but we'll take what we can get!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Back to the Grind
I had my first crisis today, a woman was hysterical in the waiting room and I was paged immediately. Before leaving my office I took a deep breath and asked God to please help me provide some light for this woman, and also see her as God see's her. When I arrived in the waiting room what I seen was myself, you, and anyone reading this.....this was a scared breast cancer patient who just needed to cry. She was stressed becuase her skin is flaking off, she is losing her hair, she is trying to take care of 3 kids, her house is a mess, and she feels depressed becuase her body is changing and she's had a mastectomy so she's missing her chest. Of course this woman is hysterical...I would be too. Today was also the 1st day of school and she was too busy throwing up to be able to put her kids on the bus. Theres a whole lot more she revealed, but most of it was how any one of us would feel if cancer came up and bit us. So together we decided in the waiting room that her and I were going to find one thing she could do to feel better, and she said, " Give me the number of a housekeeper, that would make me smile. " So we laughed and I gave her a list, and off she went on her way home. I didn't act like a social worker, I just acted like I was talking to a friend of mine. Thats the one thing that Sharon taught me....just to be myself becuase there is alot inside each of us that is far more helpful than remembering an intervention that some text book taught us. Theres a time and a place for academics, but this is the real world after all....
So I'm settling into the job but I have to admit that I wish it was two days a week instead of 3. I miss my time with Olivia. She is in the loving care of my in-laws and for that I'm very blessed, but she is my daughter and I miss her. I hate coming home and having from 5-7pm with her...I feel robbed on those days. I never thought I would be the type to put my career on hold for years...and not be concerned. But I was told by my new boss that there is lots of room for advancement, so someday when I care to "move and shake" I'm sure there will be many opportunities. I know I always talk about motherhood, but it trully is a sacred journey and I really am in awe of it. I take it seriously and I can't put anything before Olivia. I needed to find a job that would allow me complete flexibility, and at this job I can flex my hours weekly. Its a wonderful solution to help my family financially, but should something miraculous happen with Dave's job, or winning the lotto, then I would leave in a heartbeat. Motherhood is far greater a reward then going to my job ever could offer.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Who needs clothes?
Labor Day weekend

Labor day weekend, the weekend that felt like I was doing labor all weekend! I'm really tired, but we got alot of stuff done around the house! Yipee. We painted our hallway leading to our basement, painted some doors, did some touch up, hung some new light fixtures, helped my step-dad put up crown molding, and gave some parts of the house a good deep cleaning. Today we finally did something fun as a family and went for a hike. Olivia loved the hike, and I think it was much better than watching us do house chores.