Friday, September 15, 2006

Healthy Food

Couldn't resist posting this article by another fellow blogger. I loved the simplicity of it, and am really going to try and think of my kitchen as the "altar" of my home. My dear friend Sharon says to ask the Holy Spirit to bless the food you're cooking. She says that whatever energy you are giving off while cooking will be passed on through your if you're cooking your family's dinner while mad, they will ingest your mad yucky energy. Energy is constant, we give it off and it has to go somewhere when we do. Ever stand near a radio and affect the frequency? We all give off energy. I loved the authors info on Avocado's...we eat lots of them in this house and so does Olivia, and now we'll eat even more! :)

Dynamic Foods -- Healthy Families

7554526thlI've been thinking a lot these days about how we fuel our bodies. My friend, singer/songwriter Megon McDonough wrote lyrics that go something like this: The body is a car driving the soul around. Better take care so the car don't get run down.

As we head into fall, think of this time as a new semester of life. We have a fresh new slate and can fill up our days with health, energy, vitality, and joy. We can fuel our children's bodies so that their spirits are free to soar. Think of your kitchen as the altar of your home, where you, with grace and patience, concoct healing foods and soothing words.

Begin by going through your pantry as my husband Tom and I did this weekend. Throw out all those opened boxes of crackers that have been sitting there far too long. Toss out the cookies that you really don't want to continue digging into. Make room for the healthy stuff. Designate a shelf, perhaps, as snack space so your kids can help themselves.

Then, take a conscious trip to the grocery store. Bring your highly tuned intuition with you on the errand rather than your busy monkey mind that's thinking of a hundred other things rather than the foods in front of you. Read the labels, check your list, and resist those habitual chips and highly sugared snacks. Avoid Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated oils at all costs.

I recently read a study that indicated the power of phytochemicals, chemicals in fruits and vegetables that when eaten in combination have greater health benefits. For instance avocados, full of good fatty acid, helps your body absorb more antioxidants from spinach, carrots, peppers, and tomatoes. I love the look of a few avocados in a glass bowl as a simple centerpiece. Add one to your salad and know you are getting the benefits of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein.

Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cauliflower when mixed with selenium rich foods such as chicken, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, eggs boost the cancer combating powers of each. Make up a stir fry with broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, mushrooms and sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. You might even add some brown rice and quickly scramble an egg with the veggies so it's a bit like Chinese fried rice. What a power packed dinner your kids can have fun eating with chop sticks.

Powerful foods, healthy families.
Stay well in body, mind, and spirit!

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