I haven't posted an update about Olivia in awhile, and since I am also bad at updating the baby book, I better mark something on the blog. Olivia is turning into a little person, and communicating more each day. I understand her language and I can see her light up when she says something to me, and I repeat back the word that she was trying to say. Her face lights up, and its such a happy moment for both of us to be communicating, and doing the mother daughter dance. One of her latest favorites is to say "Geela" for Gorilla. She gets so excited when we know what shes saying. She copies alot of what we say, some of her latest words have been, Hummus, quiche, touch, all done, toe, knee, ear, back,Bye mommy, Bye daddy, Bye, Bye, Bye, she says bye alot, diaper, poop, pee, potty, boots, coat, and the list goes on. Her favorite thing has been to get a purse, wear it on her arm and tell us "Bye!!" Then she heads towards the door. I think that she sees us coming and going, and also wants to feel like she can come and go. Ha! Very recently I have noticed that she is starting to play differently, and is sharing her cup with her stuffed animals. She will say "Thirsty" and bring her cup over to her penguin or baby doll. But she is sort of a conditional sharer becuase she will briefly share her cup, then she will suck down the contents as fast as she can. Its hilarious. The Ego at work.
I'm starting to feel like I have a little buddy with me all the time. Olivia still has some babyness about her, but I can see the toddler behaviour starting at times. :) I'm reading the Dr. Sears discipline book and gearing up for next year, or sooner, when the terrible two's surface. He has a good quick read on his website about some other ideas for toddler discipline, heres the link if you're so inclined,
I also want to add a shout out to Miss Sarah Keller who I saw at Parkleigh tonite! It was so great to see you, and thanks for helping me pick out that gift! I was Sarahs' most indecsisive customer ever, but she stuck with me. Thanks Sar!
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