Livy can't quite say church yet, so instead she improvises and calls it "Cheech." Here are some recent pics from this passed Sunday, taken before "Cheech."
During "Cheech" Olivia proceeded to shout "Amen" at very quiet times during the mass, and she also pointed at each stain glass window and shouted "ANGEL" with glee. Yes bringing Miss Olivia places gets interesting. A few Sunday's ago she was telling everyone around us to "SHHHHHH" like Dave and I were telling her to do. She had her finger on her nose and she was looking directly at people telling them to "Shhhhhh." I need to remember all of the funny things because they will make good stories later on. She also looks for "Coco" at church, and most anywhere that we go. Coco is always on her mind. For some reason she seems to think that Coco is everywhere.
On a sad note, Olivia has another ear infection so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. The doctors think that its the same ear infection from January...this is her 3rd infection since that time. However we were at the Dr.'s last Wednesday and her ears were clean. On friday I felt her gums and noticed that some teeth had just started to break the surface, and Friday is when I believe that her ear infection started again. I sense that its related to teething. So we're on an even stronger course of antibiotics. Ack. We are also doing Craniosacral therapy (chiropractic) which Dr. Khaneja feels will help over the long haul. There are a few other natural things that we'll be discussing during a visit on Wednesday. She has also reccommended an ENT. The ENT can take awhile to get into, so in the meantime we're probably going with homeopathy and chiropractic. I guess that the biggest thing we'll be doing is cutting out all dairy. Olivia will be on goats milk and soy cheese for awhile until her ears are under control. She had her 1st goats milk bottle tonite and did fine with it. I know that many children get ear infections and I've been trying to gather some information on how to properly treat this. I have to say that Dr. Greene's website is hands down the most comprehensive and informative website that I've found so far. I love his approach to healing, and he really gives parents in depth information. Sometimes we don't need in depth information, but when things become Chronic then parents need more information.
Dr. Greene's website suggested a possible dust mite allergy so we're going to get her a special mattress pad. Olivia has both Eczema and ear infections, so an allergy to dust may be likely. The info about the link between eczema and ear infections wasn't on Dr. Sears website, and neither was the link to pacifier use and ear infections. Dr. Greene's site gave me some great things to think about, and as soon as we heal from this infection, then "Froganzo" the paci is going bye-bye. I hope. :) Wish me luck.
Oh my gosh, how cute is that? And she looks more and more grown up everytime you put a picture up. My nephew at her age was funny, you would ask him where his Papa was on Sunday and he would say "Turtch" and if he saw a picture of Jesus, he was scream "Tesus". Aren't they so cute at her age?
Good luck with the ear infection. Mattie has a yeast infection from the Ammoxicilan (sp) and I am really feeling like a bad mom. Go to my blog to read more. But I am going to go to the Dr. Greene site right now to get some pointers.
You all will be in my prayers.
Just wanted you to know that yet again, you have inspired my creator to update me.
Thank you kindly,
The Thompson blog
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