Do yourself a favor, go and see this movie. Its wonderful and probably one of the best movies that you'll see this year. Tonite Dave and I went to the Little to see it, and afterwards I called Jenn and insisted that her and Keith go and see it tomorrow! I am so glad that we decided to see it, and yes even my husband loved it. Dave is a tough one to please, and he loved Ellen Page's performance. Its an wonderful movie! Its a comedy, but it had me choked up towards the end. I came to love the characters, and I'm not even a movie buff. Go see it, I insist! Happy New Year Everyone!!
I'm still working on him, Luce. It's 1pm now....we're supposed to see a 2:30 show. He can't get frigging NATIONAL TREASURE out of his head. BARF!!!! We'll see who wins in the end :) HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friend!!!!
Great movie, Luce!!!! GREAT MOVIE!!! Thanks for the recommendation :) I absolutely loved Ellen Page, Jennifer Garnder and Jason Bateman's character's....and especially the relationship that Juno shared with her father and step-mother. Priceless. Keith and I had a great day yesterday. We ate a bite at Aja, drove past our new home on Bonnie Brae (yeah right....I'm sure it will be SOLD by the time we're ready to buy) shopped at Pittsford Plaza. It was fun! A great rejuvinating day. And now....back to work. UGH!
Ethel...Dave also wants to see National Treasure, and I second the *barf*! ha. Thank God we saw it at the Little and National T wasn't even an option!
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