Sometimes you have these moments and events that literally make you stop dead in your tracks, and critically think about life as we know it. The picture shown here was the first minute that I got to spend with Olivia, and it was one of those "stop dead in my tracks moments." As she held onto to my finger there was a million thoughts racing in my head, and all of them were about my future with Olivia, and how I would do anything for this most prescious soul.
Last Friday my bf, Jenn, went into premature labor, and gave birth to her beautiful and amazing daughter, Avery Grace. If I had a picture to share I would proudly post it on this blog, but since I don't, you'll have have to use your imaginations. She is the cutest, sweetest, baby, and will surely steal your heart when you meet her. None of Jenn's story is what she hoped for, her labor was long, tiring, and ended with having to bid farewell to Avery as she was wisked away to the NICU. The part of Jenn's story that is what she hoped for is that she got a beautiful daughter out of the whole journey, but it has been nothing short of a miracle. I watched my dear friend labor, and felt the pain as if I was doing it right along with her. We laughed, cried, and prayed...knowing full well that she was giving birth to a preemie, who would require care in a NICU. But inside my heart and soul I felt a peace that although Avery might be small, she was a fighter and was going to make it just fine. Avery continues to do well, and both Jenn and Keith are just counting the days until she can come home.
As Jenn has been spending her days at the NICU, I can't help but think back to even one short week ago, when we were still dreaming about what Avery might look and act like. Then one morning Jenn's water broke, and we all went into the "labor mode." Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye, and then we're thrust into a whole other world that we aren't ready or prepared for. But despite the unexpected, expected arrival, Jenn, Keith, and Avery are doing remarkably. With lots of prayers and love they'll all pull through this journey, and someday when Avery is running all over the house leaving no stone unturned, they'll reflect back on all they went through with wonder and amazement.
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