Sunday, January 13, 2008


This family has been sick, and I mean sick! Ack. Why do these things hit one family member, and then tear through the rest of them like a tomahawk missle! Geesh. I have some awful, terrible, no good severe cold, and so does my husband. We're not supposed to be sick together! Last nite noone slept. Dave and I had a tissue box in bed with us and I felt pathetic as we were both coughing, sneezing, and blowing our noses all nite. We were a sight! There is no rest for the weary because Livy kept hearing us and getting up and down several times. By some miracle Dave got up feeling better, and he actually forced me to call in sick at work. I had a fever and couldn't move, but somehow I was convinced that I could make it to work. I showered, and then realized that I felt so sick this might be pneumonia ( I exaggerate everything when I'm sick, but I really felt bad.)Staying home and avoiding the Highland Madness was the best thing because I slept from 11-2, which is exactly what I needed. It was hard to fall asleep as I was having stress thoughts pop in my head about not getting paid for today, but sometimes you just have to lose some money in order to get better. Dave kept telling me to rest, but then I would hear Olivia running & jumping around the house, ready to play. I felt so bad that I had a day off and couldn't be downstairs enjoying it with her. Dave finally took her to Walmart for a few hours, and I grabbed some sleep. Please pray that our cold's go away soon. My poor husband has a midterm tomorrow. Luckily I perked up alittle this afternoon, and he got to spend several hours studying. Good luck Hon! Rock the Midterm!

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