Saturday, June 23, 2007


I left Olivia in our gym's daycare center for an hour or so the other nite. There were two workers there that she didn't know, but she seemed to take it well. She ran in and started playing. I forgot to tell the workers how old she was, so upon my return they were all gathered around Olivia laughing. I walked over rather curious as to what they could be laughing about and they said
"Oh my gosh she knows her age!"

Me "What?? Her age? No I don't think that she knows her age."

The worker "Yes she really does know, and she told us that shes 18 months!"

Me: "She did? Shes never told me that before. What else did she tell you??"

The workers " Oh that she has a mom, dad, Grandma, and a dog named Coco, and a friend named Hannah Jane."

Me" Wow. Ok. Livy how old are you??"

Livy " I'm 18 months mommy, how are you????"

Ok, well Livy isn't 18 months, shes 20 months, but that is still too funny that she even answered them with something remotely close to her age.

I'm really loving this learning to talk in sentences and say real things stage. It cracks me up!

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