Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lyme Disease

Today was a full day, but it ended with some very sad news. My step-father has been diagnosed with Lyme disease. From what little I can tell, this disease can have devastating affects, although it is something that people can live with for awhile. Please contact me if you have any helpful information. Gary works for the NYS department of Parks and Recreation. He makes those signs in the woods so you don't get lost on trails, and also the Brown and Gold Park signs. If he's not in the woodshop making a sign, then he's climbing tree's to hang them, so he easily could have been bit my a tick without evening knowing it. Its very likely that this happened on the job. I'm greatly saddened becuase he has been suffering for months, and now will have re-occuring flare ups that could affect his vital organs, and cause devastating depression. The depression that lyme disease can cause has been known to be very debilitating. So far he is in good spirits, but my mom is very distressed. I'm taking Olivia to see her tomorrow in hopes of spreading some cheer.

As far as treatment goes, Gary will be seeing his primary doctor for IV antibiotic and other medications. He also has an appointment with a Homeopathic doctor. I am anxious to see what the homeopath says. Gary isn't interested in alternative medicine, but since my mom and I are, he's agreeing to give it a whirl. I pray that he isn't greatly affected by this disease.

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