Friday, August 31, 2007

Eat, Pray, Love

I am so excited right now that I could literally let out a scream!!!AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAHHHHH! Ha! This is the greatest news that I've heard all day, and noone in my house is awake to share it with, and its too late to call any of my friends! Well its only 945pm, but I'll spare them the news since they probably wouldn't be all THAT excited! I have been reading one of the greatest books that I've read in awhile, "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and all I keep thinking is how much I would love to hear her speak in person. That very thought crosses my mind every nite after reading the book. I read my usual 10-15 pages, close the book, get ready to turn off the light and think "I would love to meet Elizabeth Gilbert." Well folks, tonite after surfing the web I finally decided to check out Elizabeth Gilberts website. I clicked on events, and the 1st event listed was a speaking engagement in ROCHESTER NY on October 3rd!!! AAAAHHHH! Shes speaking at the Eisenhart Auditorium at the Rochester Musuem and Science Scenter, sponsored by, and I'm there. I'm so there!! I have been spiritually inspired by her pilgramage, and I have been moved by her words. She is trully living her purpose, and taking readers on a ride with her. This is exerpt from her website, a question submitted from a reader, about Elizabeth's year long pilgrimage,


The last thing I ever want to become is the Poster Child for “Everyone Must Leave Their Husband And Move To India In Order To Find God.” My path is hardly a universal prescription. It was my path – that is all it ever was. I drew up my journey as a personal prescription for solving my life. Transformative journeys come in many forms, though, and often happen without people ever leaving home. Divinity is available everywhere, at all times. People find their way to God during wars, in the middle of traffic jams and in small prison cells. (Though I would submit it's easier for a prisoner to find time to meditate in a jail cell than it is for many of my working-mom friends with young children to create time for contemplation.) The first question you can begin to ask yourself, though, is: “Where can I find a small corner of stillness?” Because that’s where it all begins and ends. God resides in these pockets of silence. So where in your day, where in your home, where in your mind, is there some opportunity for a moment of silence? Or maybe even a few moments, during which you can start asking the questions you need to ask in order to find what you need to learn. Can you find the time to get out of your own way and try to step into your own light? As a dear friend of mine put it: “To change your life, the important thing is not necessarily to travel; the important thing is to SHIFT.”


Megan said...

I am so happy for you! You are so excited...this might be something for me to look into as well. I hope all is well. I miss you Lisa!

Jenn said...


I just started reading the book last night....I'll let you know what I think. I might be joining you :)


Lisa said...

Thanks Meg. Yes I am so excited as this book has been a real treat to read. Miss you too!!