Wednesday, September 13, 2006


My mom saved the day today by agreeing to babysit for isn't as if we really had to twist her arm, and I was able to give her 2 weeks notice about the date, but it was still nice of her to agree. At any rate, this morning when Grandma Chop arrived there was quite a different reaction in Olivia. I was up in her room getting her ready for the day when I heard my mom come in, and then I proceeded to remind Olivia that Grandma Chop had arrived and would be coming upstairs to see her. Olivia started leaping and squeeling, and waving her arms in excitement. Now, she is usually really happy to see my mom, but always looks skeptical of any visitors until they're in full view. This time she was 100% pure excitement, and that doubled to 1000% once she actually saw my mom. I realized that Olivia is becoming more aware of her world, and putting names with faces. My mom was very happy with Olivia's reaction, and then after about 2 minutes of hugs and excitement Olivia said to my mom "Coco?" and put her little hand up as if to ask "Where the heck is coco??" It was a riot!

Another big Olivia milestone is that she now gives hugs. The only problem with her hugs are that she gives them really fast so she can clap for herself becuase after she gave me her first hug I made the mistake of clapping. So she likes the clapping part more than the hugging part, but we'll take what we can get!

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