Friday, July 14, 2006

Prayer for unexpected income

I was listening to the Sunday Sermon at the Christ Unity Church via the internet and they started a prayer for unexpected income, and are asking parishoners to say the prayer twice a day for themselves, and anyone else that they'd like to pray for. I thought the prayer was very beautiful, and I wanted to post it for anyone who might be interested in it. If you want to hear the sermon about it go to and its under the June 25th ministers message. They are asking people to say the prayer until September 25th, and to keep track of all the unexpected goodness that comes into your life over these next 8 weeks. My mom is also saying the prayer, and we're praying for two of the same people who are badly in need of income, except they don't know that we're praying for them. I'll try to remember and post about any unexpected goodness that happens over these next 8 weeks. This may make me more mindful of all of the ways that God works in our lives, but that we might not always realize. I'm hoping it heightens my awareness of all things good in my life. Yesterday I found 2 dollars, and also received an unexpected phone call from the Democrat and Chronicle that Olivia's picture will be featured in "Our Towns" next week. Now that was really unexpected!

My Prayer for Unexpected Income

I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance.

The abundance of God is my infinite Source.

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish _expression.

Good comes to me through unexpected avenues.

God works in myruad ways to bless me. I now open my mind to receive my good.

With God as my Source,Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is to wonderful to happen.
I give freely and fearlessly into Life.
And Life gives back to me with fabulous increase.

Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways.

God provides for me in wondrous ways. I am grateful.

Thank You, God.

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